Job offers in
Vital Call Center Link (VCC Link)
According to our data, Vital Call Center Link (VCC Link) has published 998 job offers during the past 12 months and there are currently 45 live job listings on JobisJob.
The top 2 categories where Vital Call Center Link (VCC Link) tend to post job openings are Customer Service with 23.2% and Finance with 19.5% of all their job offers.
The job title with the most openings from this company during the last 12 months has been Customer Service Representative.
The employment type most offered at Vital Call Center Link (VCC Link) is Permanent.
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Productive,fun workplace and creates a customer service & loyalty culture.
Call center Representative (Former Employee) - Zamboanga Sibugay - 08 29, 20
A typical day at work is good because you can sleep well during night time.I learned much from them because they taught me how to be a good agent.The management is very approachable.My co-workers are kind.The hardest part of the job is when one of your co-workers is not participating in a work group. The most enjoyable part of the job is when I'm able to help or solve the problem of a client.
Pros: free lunches,employees discounts
Cons: short breaks
Trends Last 12 months

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