Job offers in
YONDU IT Solutions
According to our data, YONDU IT Solutions has published 1,462 job offers during the past 12 months and there are currently 6 live job listings on JobisJob.
The majority of job offers are published under the IT - Telecomm category.
The job titles with the most openings from this company in the last 12 months have been Solutions Architect and Business Analyst.
The employment type most offered at YONDU IT Solutions is Permanent.
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The best decision that I have made in my career = Leave Yondu, Inc.
Tech Team (Former Employee) - BGC - 03 3, 19
Yondu introduces itself as a company that has great culture, opportunities and fun people. However, once you join the company, you will see and learn why a lot of people leave the company. 1. Top Management - Will make false promises. Will give unrealistic goals. Politics 2. No Value for Employees - They do not regularize employees. If you file for resignation, they will just find another person to take your place. 3. No career growth - Management has been reserved by the top management. No appraisal. 4. Strict - 1 minute late = salary deduction. When you do overtime, no overtime pay. Management micromanages and gives goals that cannot be accomplished
Pros: Good office
Cons: Management, Opportunities, Work
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Taguig, Metro Manila
Taguig, Metro Manila
Taguig, Metro Manila
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