Customer Service Jobs in Cagayan de Oro


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Customer Service Representative with a 14K Monthly Salary / CDO  

BPO Job Opening Neksjob - CDO, Misamis Oriental

Customer Service Representatives handle concerns and complaints regarding goods and services. In addition to assisting consumers with returns, upgrades, and purchases, they frequently offer guidance and...

from: - Today

Call Center Agent with a 14K Monthly Salary / CDO  

BPO Job Opening Neksjob - CDO, Misamis Oriental

Customer Service Representatives handle concerns and complaints regarding goods and services. In addition to assisting consumers with returns, upgrades, and purchases, they frequently offer guidance and...

from: - Today

Call Center Agent with a 17K Monthly Salary / CDO  

BPO Job Opening Neksjob - CDO, Misamis Oriental

Customer Service Representatives handle concerns and complaints regarding goods and services. In addition to assisting consumers with returns, upgrades, and purchases, they frequently offer guidance and...

from: - Today

Customer Service Agent - Without Experience - CDO Site Up to 21k  

Neksjob Corporation - Cagayan de oro, Cagayan

Attracts potential customers by answering product and service questions; suggesting information about other products and services. Opens customer accounts by recording account information. Maintains customer... 21000

from: - Today

Start ASAP - Customer Service Representative - CDO - 21k Salary  

Neksjob Corporation - Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental

Assist with inquiries, billing concerns, and technical troubleshooting. At least HS Grad (old curriculum) or SHS Grad. With at least 13 months of CCE. 21000

from: - Yesterday

Customer Service Position - CDO - Up to 21k Salary  

Neksjob Corporation - Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental

Assist with inquiries, billing concerns, and technical troubleshooting. At least HS Grad (old curriculum) or SHS Grad. With at least 13 months of CCE. 21000

from: - Yesterday

Inbound CSR - CDO - Earn 21k Monthly  

Neksjob Corporation - Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental

Assist with inquiries, billing concerns, and technical troubleshooting. At least HS Grad (old curriculum) or SHS Grad. With at least 13 months of CCE. 21000

from: - Yesterday

Answer Customer Calls - Customer Service Representative - 21k  

Neksjob Corporation - Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental

Assist with inquiries, billing concerns, and technical troubleshooting. At least HS Grad (old curriculum) or SHS Grad. With at least 13 months of CCE. 21000

from: - Yesterday

Work and Earn - Customer Service Representative - 21k Monthly  

Neksjob Corporation - Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental

Assist with inquiries, billing concerns, and technical troubleshooting. At least HS Grad (old curriculum) or SHS Grad. With at least 13 months of CCE. 21000

from: - Yesterday

Call Center Agent - (No Experience Required ) - CDO Site  

Neksjob - Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental

- Competitive salary package, company bonuses, and performance incentives - Paid sick and vacation leaves - Retirement plan 19000

from: - 8 days ago

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