Stonehenge Manpower Services
During the past 12 months Stonehenge Manpower Services has published over 55 job offers and currently has 5 job openings on JobisJob.
The top 3 categories where Stonehenge Manpower Services tend to post job openings are Human Resources with 23.6%, Finance with 21.8% and Administration - Clerical with 18.2% of all their job offers.
The job title with the most openings from this company during the last 12 months has been Outright Merchandiser.
The employment type most offered at Stonehenge Manpower Services is Permanent.
The employment type most offered at Stonehenge Manpower Services is Permanent.
Searches related to this company
- Admin Manager
- Treasury Assistant
- Admin Executive Assistant
- Operator Driver
- Inventory Controller
- Front Office Receptionist
- Assistant Office Manager
- Supervisor Banking Company
- Senior Admin Assistant
- Payroll Administration Business

Job Titles

Job Types
